Darn the wheel of the world! Why must it continually turn over? Where is the reverse gear? ~Jack London
With the end of the school year approaching (only 11 days left), the #PFP5K on the horizon, and children's activities in full swing, I seem to have slipped. Become unbalanced. I neglected blogging. So, I am sorry for my absence, and without further ado, here is what I have been up to:
School: Our year is quickly coming to an end, but last Friday we had an awesome opportunity. I nominated my class to read bonus questions on "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" at the WUCW station, and they were selected. After weeks of memorizing and preparing, our field trip was a success, and my students will be aired during June and July. So proud!
#PFP5K: The 5K is Memorial Day. The past two weeks I had let my exercise slip...as in, I didn't really do anything. This week, with motivation from all the PFPers, I got my groove back. I have now completed week 5 of c25k. I stepped off the comforts of the treadmill and ran outside for the first (and second) time and even ran 20 minutes without stopping. I am feeling strong. I am feeling like a runner! Oh my....did I really just type that? :-)
Family activities: Soccer season is in full swing for my son and husband, and my daughter is gearing up for the upcoming spring recital. These are crazy, busy times that I love...even when it means rushed dinners and missed exercise classes.

Weigh-in: 164.6 (-27.6 lbs.) I have made progress, but it has been slow going recently. Honestly this week has been a bit of a struggle. I have been hungry~I want to eat, but I want to eat things that I don't have self control with. I am working through it. After eating 6 oreos (and going over my calorie goal) the other night, I realized that they were only ok...and they didn't make me feel better. Actually they made me feel worse. Guilty. So, I am trying to remember that "let down" as I trudge through this week. It will get better, and I will learn from my mistakes and challenges.

Lazy Man Triathlon: While at the Y a week or so ago, I signed up for the Lazy Man triathlon. I have 6 weeks to complete 112 biking, 26.2 running, and 2.5 swimming. The part that I like best is that you can take some classes to count towards your completion. I can take a spin class and it counts for 12 miles. BodyStep counts towards running. Also, you can do the activities with or without equipment. I am hoping that stepping out of my comfort zone, and trying new classes, will help me reach my goal weight by the end of summer. Signing up for the PFP5K showed me how much support there is, and how trying new things can prove way beyond beneficial - they can be life changing!