Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Not Ruining Tomorrow

While reading a book this afternoon, a statement by the author really struck me.

"I am amazed by how many individuals mess up every new day with yesterday. They insist on bringing into today the failures of yesterday, and in so doing, they pollute a potentially wonderful day." - Gary Chapman

The book was referring to relationships, however, for me it also seems fitting for my healthiness journey. I have been losing and gaining the same 2 pounds for the past month. Here are two things that I have come to realize that I need to work on:

* What it means to deserve something - working out or being under my calorie goal doesn't mean that I "deserve" a treat, because really that treat is empty calories and soon to be guilt. I deserve to be healthy and happy, even if that means declining a treat.

* No ruining today with yesterday - just because I screwed up yesterday doesn't mean that I need to dwell on it today (or fall off the path). Adversely, just because I may have had a great day previously, that is no reason to stop fighting today.

Each day of this journey is a choice and I need to give it my best effort!

How are you going to have success today?


  1. That's a quote I need to remember! Today my success will mean getting things done that I have put off.

  2. Love this post! Thank you for the great reminder!!!

  3. Excellent post Sara, I agree.

    I need to remember what the word "deserve" means, too.
