Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Mile (and Other Random News)

Saturday I experienced something I have never experienced before. Ever.

I ran an entire mile.

Sure, I have completely plenty of miles, but all the previous ones included walking breaks (or even walking the whole thing).

In the morning I went to BodyStep class at the YMCA. I love being pushed (positively) by the instructors, and engaging all or my muscles, but after class I still had this nagging in my brain to try the treadmill.

So in a NSV, I actually got on a machine after my 60 minute class. That was another first - sad, but true.

Once on the treadmill I decided to see if I could run the first 5 minutes straight. I did. And then I tried to make minute six. I did. At that point I has almost to 1/2 a mile, so the mind game started. Could I really run the whole mile? The answer was YES!! It took me 13.28, but I did it. I ran for 13 minutes and completed a mile.


In other news, or lack thereof, I haven't worked out since Saturday. It's on the agenda for tonight after the kiddos are in bed.

And, today was weigh-in Wednesday. Nothing really changed, and I am still at 170.

I need to find a new workout schedule that works for me and the family(now that swimming lessons and soccer practice have been changed or added to the mix). Hopefully I can tinker with it this week so that next week will be more consistant.

What are your current goals on this journey?


  1. That's a great NSV!! You are well on your way to running a successful 5k with us in May!

  2. thats so great! I can crank it out at the gym but im back down to a really fast walk outside :-/

  3. looking at your weigh in's got a pretty good streak going there lady! wtg

  4. Good for you Sara! You will figure out the schedule that works for all of you! A mother's job is never done is it! Have a great rest of your week!
