My quest to become a healthy wife, mom, and teacher all while showing my children how to a live a balanced life.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Mix It Up
One of my favorite pasta dishes I learned from my mother-in-law. An easy version of chicken cordon bleu. It has baked chicken, wrapped in sliced ham and swiss cheese, covered in marinara sauce and served over noodles. I haven't made it in months.
While shopping this week I bought Dreamfield's pasta in attempts to eat as normal (you know, not cutting out an entire food group) and yet healthy as possible and we made the penne tonight.
I made hamburger meat sauce for the kiddos - their fave.
But then I mixed it up (my current dinner and favorite recipe, that is). In a small bowl, I mixed some sliced deli ham (only 45 cals. a serving) into classic sauce (70 cals) and served with a proper portion of noodles. It was delicious.
And, honestly, I feel inspired to try to mimic some of my old faves, but with a new lighter twist.
What's your favorite lightly twisted recipe?
Sunday, January 30, 2011
A new quarter started at school - after our 3 week break and an inservice day complete with awesome speaker. While on break my head was swimming with things that I needed to change or improve upon during Q3. My time and efforts have no been consumed with making these improvements (rearranging the room, reorganizing books, making more interactive bulletin boards, etc.).
During break I had gotten into a routine healthy eating and exercise. Although there was no real schedule. I am proud to say that I have been able to maintain the healthy eating. I have packed lunches daily and planned better meals.
Unfortantely, I haven't mastered an exercise routine. During break it was often in the morning, but after breakfast when the kids were settled playing. Now our mornings are rushed. I tried to set the alarm extra early to get up and workout. It didn't work. At night my time has been filled with my children (homework/baths/time together), dinners, packing lunches, and preparing for the next day of school (lesson planning or grading).
I need to find balance! I know that I need to exercise, and honestly I want to (it's the getting started that is the hardest part for me).
What helps you keep commited to exercise? What is your routine? How do you stay balanced?
Thanks for sharing - I really need your help, friends!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
C is for Cookie
I know that it is said that you shouldn't deprive yourself while on the weight loss journey. Just have a little bit to satisfy the craving and be done. Only one problem with that - I am not good at having a little bit. So, until I have more control (which I'm working on), I just don't want to temp myself.
But, I have been really (I mean REALLY) wanting chocolate sweets for the past few days. Maybe it's the brownies and cookies that my students bring for snack each day, but darn, I couldn't get it out of my mind. I knew I needed to do something to clear my head. But what?
Then I remembered a vegan cook book that I own (yup, I was vegan for about a year...for fun) had some cookie recipes. I tweaked one to better suit my craving and my family's tastebuds, and they are delicious. I had one. I consider that a victory for today.
Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies with Peanut Butter
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In one bowl mix 1 cup white flour, 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda.
In another bowl combine 2/3 cup granulated sugar, 1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, and 2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter. Stir until all ingredients are incorporated.
Add in the dry ingredients. Stir. Mix in 1/2 cup chocolate chips (karob or dairy free chips, or nuts or dried fruit would be yummy too).
Bake for 12-14 minutes.
Makes roughly 2 dozen cookies.
Monday, January 17, 2011
The PFG event was this weekend. I really wanted to go! Honestly, as I read blogs on Friday speaking about the upcoming weekend event, I felt like that girl in high school who couldn't go to the popular kid's party because she had to be with family. Don't get me wrong, I loved my weekend with my husband, children, and parents, but I was still bummed to miss such a cool event. Next time. Definitely next time.
I was very conscientious about my food choices this weekend. I know that I didn't eat as healthy as I would at home, but part of that was due to what was available. I did my best, and next time I know what to bring to help me be more successful. Oh, and did I mention that I did the Shred DVD? Yes, I brought it with (much to my husband's dismay) and actually did it. I didn't even stop when people came into the room. That is HUGE!
Well, tomorrow I go back to work. I have my breakfast ready (a protein bar and banana), lunch (chicken breast, lettuce, yogurt) and snack (apple) packed, and water bottles filled. I am ready for a successful day. How about you?
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Little Eyes
Soph, exercising with me on Friday, being my "Helper Girl."
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Packing a Lunch
We were invited to my uncle and aunts house for lunch and snowmobiling. Lunch was fried fish, which honestly I don't really like. In the past, I would have had a small bit of fish just to be polite, and then whatever the sides were.
But today, I brought my own lunch. I packed a spicy Boca Chickn patty, salad, and light ranch dressing. It was delicious! I didn't feel deprived or tempted by the other foods. But, was it rude? How do you handle eating with others when you know what is being served isn't the best choice for you - eat before, bring your own, or just eat very little?
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Leaving a Friend Behind

Friday, January 7, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day Four
Guess what?!? It's already paying off.
I am down 2.8 lbs since Monday. Most of it, I am sure, is water weight, but atleast it's not on my body anymore.
Last night I did a step class at the YMCA. It felt great to get moving again - to really push myself. I plan on going again tomorrow morning (legs willing...they are sore today).
I have been drinking water like crazy. 16 cups yesterday, and 14 cups today. Life is good!
I know that I will be successful with becoming healthy~
And, just because. Here is a picture of my lunch. 320 calories. It's an Amy's Vegan bean and rice burrito, on top of a bed of shredded lettuce, and topped with salsa. Delicious!

And most importantly, for me! I want to feel energetic. I want to enjoy shopping, and not just for shoes. I want to feel attractive. I want to show my daughter (and my son) what a strong, positive, healthy, beautiful woman should be.
I am documenting this journey for me. To get my thoughts out (instead of eating them). To have a record of my progress. To have for reflection. And, for you, my friend. Hopefully YOU will be able to relate or have words of advice or encouragement. This is a journey, and those are always more fun with friends.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day One
And I tracked it! My delicious breakfast sandwich and 1/2 banana was only 287 calories, which were washed down with copious quantities of water.