These past two week have been crazy.
A new quarter started at school - after our 3 week break and an inservice day complete with awesome speaker. While on break my head was swimming with things that I needed to change or improve upon during Q3. My time and efforts have no been consumed with making these improvements (rearranging the room, reorganizing books, making more interactive bulletin boards, etc.).
During break I had gotten into a routine healthy eating and exercise. Although there was no real schedule. I am proud to say that I have been able to maintain the healthy eating. I have packed lunches daily and planned better meals.
Unfortantely, I haven't mastered an exercise routine. During break it was often in the morning, but after breakfast when the kids were settled playing. Now our mornings are rushed. I tried to set the alarm extra early to get up and workout. It didn't work. At night my time has been filled with my children (homework/baths/time together), dinners, packing lunches, and preparing for the next day of school (lesson planning or grading).
I need to find balance! I know that I need to exercise, and honestly I want to (it's the getting started that is the hardest part for me).
What helps you keep commited to exercise? What is your routine? How do you stay balanced?
Thanks for sharing - I really need your help, friends!
I have to work out early in the morning before I go into work. My hubby and I don't have kids, (yet) so I can sneak out for a run or gym session without having to worry about getting someone else ready or feeding them. Just make it part of your schedule. Go to bed early so you can wake up early. (trust me, 4:45am only sucks for the first few days, then you get used to it.)